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‘Visiting our Shadow Sides…’

Els De Schaepmeester

As we see more of the ‘darkness’ that goes on in the world come to light, I believe the time has come to familiarize ourselves with our own - individual - shadow sides.

For some of us this means that we are prepared to look at less desirable traits or habits. Others will have to own up to ‘darker acts’ through which they have inflicted more severe suffering upon others.

Whichever our social circle, lifestyle or background we are all united by a universal pattern: we carry pain inside ourselves that goes back to our childhood and teenage years, impacting our lives today.

Only ‘hurt people hurt people. ..
Allowing ourselves to break free from the cycles that have determined our previous and current generations will allow for a truly better tomorrow.
Letting go of the resistance and fear of doing the ‘inner work’ is the first and most important step towards this.

Those of you already on this journey know that – despite the challenges – a lot of ‘light-ness’ is to be found on this path.

Remember: you are no longer alone…                                                             

© Els De Schaepmeester
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