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Communicating or Sharing...?

Els De Schaepmeester

Most of us know that ‘communication’ is vital in (love) relationships.

But the focus on ‘talking frequently to each other’ can be a mantra that drives you further away from each other, not bringing you closer together…

Obviously, when there is no regular exchange of information between two people things will be tough. Very tough. In my experience, however, this is not what the majority of couples are struggling with.

In many cases there is a quite a lot of ‘dialogue’ going on, not only about practical matters, but also about more emotional topics, which ‘creates’ the impression that you are doing really well in that department. But in spite of this frequent ‘chatter’ people still feel lonely and not understood.

The fact of the matter is: partners are avoiding deeper conversations and staying – safely – away from sharing how they ‘really’ feel.

In order to have a strong foundation as a couple, ‘diving below the waterline’ and into deeper layers of yourself is key. And it’s not a ‘one-off event’, but a way of life. It goes without saying that this style requires courage and a sense of adventure!

But learning how to do this and then actually putting it into practice will be one of the most rewarding and energizing things you’ll ever experience…

© Els De Schaepmeester

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