Self-confidence: End Goal or Byproduct?...
Els De Schaepmeester
Many people I have encountered throughout my lifetime expressed a wish to boost their self-confidence. And more than once a client came to me with this request.
I used to buy into the belief that self-confidence is a goal in itself and should be 'worked on'. Now I see things differently: it is not by focusing on increasing your confidence level that you gain more faith in yourself, but by making peace with past events, by being kinder to yourself, forgiving yourself and those who were hurtful to you. Automatically, you will start trusting your abilities more and more.
So instead of self-confidence being the 'objective', it is the 'result' of your inner labor. One of the many great side effects that are born out of having the courage to go to 'that place inside yourself you have been avoiding most of all'...
© Els De Schaepmeester