Els De Schaepmeester
I’ve been noticing that more people are seeking help for their stresses and emotional struggles than ever before. Coaching and counselling are less surrounded by taboo nowadays.
If you look back at previous generations, our grandparents and great-grandparents, who had to endure world wars and other hardships, they somehow had the capacity to ‘brush things off’, to bravely carry on as if nothing much had happened.
In our society today that seems to be no longer the case. Bore-outs, burn-outs, high divorce rates, … mostly as a result of prolonged stress and/or psychological challenges. It’s becoming more and more difficult for people to simply return to ‘business as usual’ after an emotional upheaval.
People of all walks of life are being called to ‘look under the hood’, to get more in touch with what’s really going on in their lives.
It’s like a universal invitation to stop trying to solve and figure things out rationally, but to allow our inner world to transform. Instead of forcing ourselves to change, we can allow old pain to leave our brains and nervous systems in order to make room for stability and resilience of a new kind.
Needless to say that familiar flight mechanisms are still the preferred route for many, but overall, things are changing. Unlike any other era, the time for transformation and healing at a deeper level is ‘now’…
© Els De Schaepmeester
For more info on how to work with me: www.thehouseofhealing.info