The Need to Know…
Els De Schaepmeester
Our human brains are innately geared towards ‘The Need to Know…’.
I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone (including myself!) who isn’t on some level anxious or curious about what will happen in the future. As humans, we seem to also be well equipped with the ability to imagine a negative outcome.
Let’s say you are in a relationship crisis. You have no clue whether you and your partner will stay together. The ‘angst’ can take you away from the place where you actually have some emotional control: the NOW.
Yesterday is over (thank goodness we are capable of forgiving ourselves for mistakes we made because we lacked the wisdom to do otherwise) and tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet (which makes it a blank canvas that we can start prepping for if we want to).
Instead of wallowing in fear it can be very refreshing to focus on the ‘process’ and not so much on the end result. Being engaged, getting creative in the moment and learning new skills is the best remedy against poisonous and paralyzing thoughts and habits.
In the example of relational problems you can begin to let go of the need to know how things will turn out by practicing nurturing ways of thinking, allowing yourself to be free of no longer helpful patterns, forgiving your younger self, ...
You may end up with a much better situation than the one you were ever able to imagine for yourself.
© Els De Schaepmeester
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