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Making a career switch…

Els De Schaepmeester

Now more than ever I hear people express to me that they wish to change career paths, they want to work in a different field, they would like to learn a new trade…
For many, it remains a dream at the back of their minds. But – luckily – we live in a time where there is more openness around changing directions. Let’s face it, if you are currently part of the work force chances are you will be working about 15 years longer than your parents did.

So it’s only natural that many of us start wondering ‘is this it?’, ‘Is this the job I’m going to be in for the rest of my working life?’ Just as with our personal relationships our expectations of the work that we do have shifted. Generations before us often viewed it as a way to secure an income. And even if that is still the case, nowadays we also want to feel fulfilled, add value, develop our skills and personalities.

Let’s say you want start a business or work in a completely different industry than the one you are in right now. To move yourself out of the ‘dream zone’ and into the ‘explore & act zone’ the key thing to do is: ‘pick something’! There is so much talk about taking the first step, and realizing that it’s a gradual process, but there is so much power that comes from simply ‘making a choice and trying it out’.

I know a girl who would like to become a dating coach one day (great choice with nearly 50% of the population being single, often not knowing where to begin when it comes to the dating game!). She’s got the talent, but her friends and relatives are skeptical, they don’t want her to get disappointed, they fear that it won’t bring in money (the usual),…

But even though she knows it might take her a while to get there, she has made up her mind and she recently started studying and learning about the topic. And maybe she’ll find out that this isn’t what she was looking for after all.

This is where I see many people give up on their dream altogether. They’ve started investing in something and then they discover that it’s not for them. They stop and keep themselves stuck in the ‘I’ll never amount to anything’ zone.
In this stage it’s vital to be able to let go of the initial plan and simply try something else!!
It’s never a waste of time, you always gather valuable information that you can use further down the line.

Anyone who knows me, also knows that I’m all about ‘persistence’ and ‘not giving up’, but I’ve added an equally valuable skill along the way: the freedom to try stuff out and if I don’t like it, simply leave it and do something else. When I feel enthusiastic about it, I’ll do more of it and so on.
Before you realize it, you will have built your confidence level and your expertise…

© Els De Schaepmeester
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