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‘Why New Year’s Resolutions don’t Work…’

Els De Schaepmeester

At some point we’ve all done it, but most will testify that they generally don’t come to fruition… New year’s resolutions! By the third week of January you’ve figured out that the list was too long, the goals too big or overwhelming, and the deadlines too short…

The antidote: although dreaming is a great idea, in order to achieve bigger things in life, it’s vital to allow yourself to ‘take things step-by-step’ and break them up into smaller pieces. This will help in keeping disappointment at bay. Even when things ‘don’t’ go according to plan (which they usually do!), you’ll be able to get back into the game much more easily.

Also, and this is probably as important, if not more, ‘setting an intention’ rather than making lists of things you have to have accomplished by a certain date is a good deal more inspiring and effective.

If one of your goals is to lose weight, for instance, this type of mindset will not get you very far, since it relies heavily on willpower. In times of stress or intense emotions willpower is the first thing to crumble.
It will be far more interesting to think about ‘why’ you would like to stop snacking and eating candy in between meals. Maybe the real thing you want is better health and a fitter body?

The ‘wanting to feel more vital and alive’ will help create a stronger foundation for your intention. You can start figuring out the little things you can do every day in order to make progress (such as getting organized in terms of cooking or shopping for food). And it’s more about the discovery & the journey rather than simply reaching your final destination. Testing out stuff will make you uncover what works best for ‘you’. Making smaller adjustments along the way and practicing those will help build your skillset and your confidence level.

For the new year: as you are creating safety within yourself, I wish each of you wonderful adventures in 2020!

© Els De Schaepmeester
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