‘The benefits of releasing both negative AND positive expectations…’
Els De Schaepmeester
Let me jump right in with an example: Person A has a terrible boss.
Person B has a wonderful boss.
Person A is desperately hoping for their boss to become a better person. More reliable, more understanding, more able to welcome input and teamwork, more appreciative and so on. No matter what person A says, does or thinks is making a difference. Their boss repeats the (unwanted) behavior in various forms and person A is becoming increasingly disappointed and stressed out.
Person B has been blessed with the most amazing boss. They are encouraging, supportive, able to make and communicate clear decisions, fair in their judgements, etc, In other words: everything most people would want in a leader.
There is one downside: their boss has decided to leave the company. Person A is devastated by the news, thinking they will never again have a boss like them.
Both person A and B have an opportunity for growth.
Person A could allow themselves to let go of any of the expectations they are holding. Thus setting themselves free, and creating a space for learning more about themselves (and the world!).
This will result in more connection and confidence, within self and in others, which in turns leads to more creativity and better teamwork. It’s all about taking action instead of endlessly waiting around for Mr or Mrs Boss to do something different.
Person B could consider letting go of the sadness of their boss’ leaving, which would open up a space for honoring the time they’ve had with them.
They may discover that their boss has been a major role model, but instead of eternally ‘looking up them’ or idolizing them they could start developing their own leadership to become a great mentor themselves.
Whether you identify with person A or person B, I hope that these examples will help to open your mind to new possibilities.
After all, there is no time like the present to build your mental and emotional flexibility… ;-)
© Els De Schaepmeester
For more info on how to work with me: www.thehouseofhealing.info