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“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear” – Ambrose Redmoon

Els De Schaepmeester

True inner work is not easy.  Allowing yourself to change is not easy.
Fear and resistance will show up along the way. Don’t be surprised when it pops up. Expect it.

The good news: the positive effects aren’t just noticeable at the end. You can reap the benefits of your transformation as you progress. After all, healing yourself is not a one-off event; it’s a lifelong ‘Grand Tour’!

When things go wrong in our lives, we so often blame others, society, the world,… . And even though there is real darkness, the ability and willingness to face our OWN shadows can and will deeply help in gradually making our planet a better place. Starting with our own circle of family, friends and the people we work with.

It helps having a role model for courage. Maybe a grandparent, maybe a friend, … someone you can think of when you feel like giving up. People who understood the importance of playing their part in overcoming an obstacle or solving a problem.

Learning and practicing ‘bravery’ is a bit of an art form. But keep going; you’ll get better at it over time…

© Els De Schaepmeester
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