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‘Why focusing only on the positive stuff is a bad idea…’

Els De Schaepmeester

Countless are the books, calendars, cards, etc. on practicing positive affirmations. Anyone who’s ever attempted to give ‘self- development’ a go will – at some point or another – have invested in focusing on uplifting phrases.

Only to discover that it doesn’t work that way.

An example: someone is single. They think that they are worthy of a good relationship (which of course they are!). However, there might be a chance that – on a deeper level – they hold feelings of rejection and abandonment. In which case their seemingly positive attitude around relationships does not match their belief system. (And these tend to run the show without them realizing it.

Their current status is likely to remain unchanged, unless they embark on a journey of exploration and processing. Attracting a loving partner will be the natural outcome.

That being said: besides looking behind the scenes to shine some light upon ‘the bad & the ugly’… spending time and energy on truly appreciating the wonderful aspects in your life will greatly help in keeping it ‘light & airy’ as you are working your way through some of the denser structures…

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