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‘Trade your Expectations for Appreciation and the World Changes Instantly’ – Tony Robbins

Els De Schaepmeester

When people ask me which of my clients achieve long-term success more easily than others it has a lot to do with what I’d like to call ‘appreciation’.
Those that are able to see and value the components in their lives that are gradually improving – even if the problem isn’t completely resolved yet  – promote their healing process tremendously.

If, for instance, you are tired of the job you’re in: concentrating mostly on the struggle and constantly wondering why the heck you’re still in your current employment only adds more fuel to what you ‘don’t want anymore’ or ‘what you don’t have yet’. It perpetuates your ‘stuckness’.

Letting go of unhealthy beliefs and ideas & making peace with painful past events is an essential part of true and lasting change. But so is directing your attention towards the positive situations and people that you are already experiencing +  your focus on attracting more of that. (It’s a golden combo J.)

Dismantling old structures takes time. However, when you recognize which steps you have already taken, it doesn’t matter so much how close you are to your goal.
You may even end up with something far better than you had wished for…

© Els De Schaepmeester
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