'That Feeling of Freedom…'
Els De Schaepmeester
Because of the ongoing situation we’re in, we’ve all been challenged in our autonomy to (not being able) to set up the activities we want. It has fueled in many of us the need of ‘wanting to be saved’.
It’s typical for us humans to wish for ‘someone’ of ‘something’ to make things better. We’ve been conditioned into thinking that we’re pretty helpless and that the best answers to our prayers will be magically offered to us from somewhere outside of ourselves, without much of our own engagement or cooperation.
Which so often results in disappointment…
Our boss doesn’t suddenly become understanding, our partner has his or her own patterns that they’re stuck in, our friends have their urgent matters to attend to, etc.
In doing my own inner work – and in guiding others to do theirs – I have come to learn that the amount of freedom we experience primarily rises from within us. Our circumstances don’t automatically define how ‘free’ or ‘not free’ we feel.
Doing (real!) emotional work helps us understand that no other person or entity will free us from a toxic workplace, an abusive relationship, etc. It’s mostly down to us.
When we start forgiving ourselves for past mistakes or ‘things we should have done differently’, we naturally start liking ourselves more. We automatically become less ‘needy’ and more open to initiating changes, no longer waiting around to be rescued.
And in (truly!) comforting ourselves we tend to attract more like-minded people who are genuinely interested in being by our side to help (often faster and easier than we had previously imagined possible).
Our society is changing on multiple levels and those of us who are willing to augment their flexibility and expand their minds to install (healthy) changes will have a far greater chance of being comfortable within themselves and the world, now and in the future…
© Els De Schaepmeester - For more info on how to work with me: www.thehouseofhealing.info