Why Karma isn’t such a Bitch after all…
Els De Schaepmeester
Whether you consider yourself spiritual or not, most of us have juggled with the idea of ‘karma’. Especially when we are faced with a challenging situation.
We are inclined to sometimes perceive troubles as a kind of ‘punishment’ for something we did wrong in the past (in this or in a previous lifetime ;-).
When adversity strikes it’s easy to go into ‘victim mode’, typically asking questions such as “Why is this happening to me?”, “What did I do to deserve this?”, “How am I ever going to get out of this?”. This line of thinking usually goes hand in hand with feelings of guilt, anger, shame, grief, blame, etc. and tends to keep you stuck in the very place you no longer want to be in.
If we practice this mindset long and often enough we’ll start hoping for someone or something to step in and rescue us**.
All of the above is perfectly natural and normal.
Congratulations; you’re human!
But unless you decide at some point that ‘Victim Land where Karma is out to Get me’ is not going to be your permanent residence, you’re in for a lifetime of feeling bad about your circumstances, endlessly hoping for things to magically turn around all by themselves.
A real game changer for me has been to gradually shift my point of view on ‘karma’ and ‘challenges’. And I have found it to be a great ‘recipe’ for stepping out of victimhood.
This what I have come to believe:
whatever happens in your life - especially the hard times - is not there to ‘sanction’ you, but to invite and help you to explore, discover, learn, and ultimately grow as a person.
It requires us to be curious and brave in order to look at ‘difficulties’ in a new light, as a means to get to know ourselves better, the world we live in, and how it’s all connected… yet it's worth it every time...
(**that person who will ultimately liberate you is ‘you’J)
© Els De Schaepmeester - For more info on how to work with me: www.thehouseofhealing.info