Why oh Why…?
Els De Schaepmeester
There are quite a few ways in which the Why-Question can be used, but today I’d like to shine some light on the ‘Deeper Why-Question’.
This type of Why-Question can really help in connecting you to how you want to show up in the world, and especially, what you are looking to have in the future.
Here’s an example: imagine a 16-year-old who would like to work in the aviation industry. Maybe they’d love to help design an environmentally friendly aircraft one day. Even at a young age, they can start figuring out what it might take to get there (even if they end up changing their dream later on).
Having excellent mathematics skills will without a doubt be one of the ‘building blocks’.
But like with everything that you are trying to make happen, challenges WILL pop up along the way. It’s inevitable. On some days, learning math will seem too difficult and never ending. Our 16-year-old may want to throw in the towel…
This where our ‘Deeper Why Question’ comes in: reminding themselves WHY they are trying to perfect their math skills in the first place can help them overcome those roadblocks and can allow for procrastination and self-sabotage to be released. ‘Getting back in the game’ will be much easier.
Just sit with yourself a minute and think about what it is that YOU are working towards in your life. And more importantly, how you can make use of the ‘Deeper Why-Question’ in times of insecurity and self-doubt to reconnect with your dream...
© Els De Schaepmeester
For more info on how to work with me: www.thehouseofhealing.info